The Sunshine Bloggers Award

Thank you very much to the Quirky Book Nerd who nominated me for this award! Im really thrilled to receive this award. 🙂




-The Rules-

  • Thank and follow the blogger who nominated you.
  • Answer the questions they set for you.
  • Set some new questions and nominate five more bloggers.

-The Questions-

  1. If you could travel to any period in time, where would you go and why?

Probably the 1800s. I just love books by Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters and I am fascinated by that era, therefore, it would really be of interest to me to visit that particular period of time. The etiquette and fashion sound excellent and also, the interests and ethics quite appeal to me. I would probably only appreciate it for a short length of time, but I imagine that it would be really interesting to have such an insight into this era.

2. What is your favourite under-hyped book?

It’s difficult, but I would say it would be betweeen The Accident Season by Moïra Fowley-Doyle and Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. I read both for the first time, last year, and I was really impressed to say that I hadn’t heard of either before I happened to come across them in bookshops and conversations with friends. Both are really interesting and unique reads.

3. What music do you like?

I like singers like Adele, Ellie Goulding, Taylor Swift, ‘Birdy’, etc. I’m not really interested in keeping up with the latest hits and stuff, but I go enjoy songs by these artists.

4. What three books do you absolutely refuse to read?

Ummm… it’s a hard one because I can’t really think of any books I’d refuse to read. I suppose I would never choose to read any Jackie Collins type of celebrity book. I’ve got no interest in that sort of thing, whatsoever.

5. Do you prefer series or stand-alones?

Series! It’s always nice to be reading a book and find out at the end that there are two or three others waiting for you!

6.  What are your favourite and least-favourite book to movie adaptations? 

The Harry Potter films are my favourite and also the Divergent films are even better than the book in my opinion. And my least book to movie adaptations would probably be The Golden Compass which was highly disappointing for me.

7.  What is one food that you never get tired of eating? 

No-brainer. Dairy Fudge – yum!

8. What are some of the most difficult and rewarding things for you about blogging? 

Well, recently is a prime-example of some of the most difficult things about blogging for me. I usually review every book I read, but recently I’ve been doing a lot of re-reading so I haven’t posted anything for a while and I don’t like it when I know I have to do something but I can’t because I haven’t read any new books recently. That stresses me out a little. The most rewarding thing about blogging is most definitely when someone shows their appreciation for your work by liking your post or following your blog. It always make me feel pround and encourages me to write more for my blog when I know people are reading and liking what I write. 🙂

-My Nominees-

-My Questions-

  1. What does your favourite outfit consist of?
  2. If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  3. Three desert island books – what would yours be?
  4. Would you rather be reading out in the sunshine or holed up indoors reading whilst its snowing outside?
  5. What hobby of yours could you not live without?
  6. Have you got any pets – what are they?
  7. What would your dream house look like?
  8. What was/is your dream job?


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