Fall In Love with: Me Before You by Jo-Jo Moyes

I left you all again – I’m so sorry! I need to stop doing that, but I’m sure you all understand how busy I am revising and everything, so hopefully you’ve all forgiven me for not posting (again) for what, ten days?!! Oh my goodness – I’ve missed you all.

While I have been gone, I have fallen in love with this book (which, by the way, is seriously amazing) – it is Me Before You by Jo-Jo Moyes, a book, which on picking up and spontaneously buying, I completely underestimated.

The reason why I buy it, was, well, because it sounded so nice – the blurb led me to believe that it was going to be a story focussed on a lovely little tea-shop and maybe a failed relationship, but I did not know what I was letting myself in for.

Me Before You is a story about a girl called Louisa who loses her job at a teashop, and gets a new job caring for a man who has been in an accident and is now confined to a wheelchair. Louisa is a really colourful and lively person. She wears shockingly individual clothes and she has an amazing sense of humour, but when she meets her new employer, Will, a thirty-five year old disabled man, she reconsiders her ability to work with him. He is quite reserved at first, and he is sarcastic, and sometimes quite rude, but I actually liked him from the start. Behind his sarcasm, I could see his great sense of humour.

The contract that Louisa accepts is only going to last for 6 months, and for a while, this remains unexplained to Louisa, but then she overhears a conversation which sheds a lot of light on the subject. Will is seriously depressed as a result of being confined to his wheelchair for the last few years. Before the accident, he was the most outgoing and adventurous person, and having new restrictions was really upsetting him. He wanted to end his own life, and had agreed to live, just for his mother’s sake, for 6 months. Louisa’s role was to try and get him to change his mind.

Learning of this, Louisa is on a mission to give Will the best time possible in order to try and get him to change his mind and the book relates the journey they embark on and how their lives become entwined and their friendship becomes closer and closer.

It sounds so sad, but the story is very enjoyable, actually, and the reader gets really caught up in the events. I enjoyed the book much more than I thought I would. It’s heart-breaking, funny, and charming all at the same time, which makes you appreciate your abilities, and want to get out there and face the world.

It’s uplifting as well as being sad and poignant, and I would highly recommend it. I am contemplating getting hold of a copy of the sequel: After You – would anyone recommend it? I love Jo-Jo Moyes writing style – it is easy to read, and fuelled by excellent dialogue and beautiful description, but I would urge you to read the conclusion when you are alone – with a box of tissues at hand.

This book definitely deserves 4.5 stars because it carries such a strong message, and it makes the reader think about things a lot and explore a new perspective. Also, the characters were very well-developed and the pace of the book was perfect.

4.5 star

Have you read this book – and if so, what did you think (and did it make you cry?!)

Thanks for reading my review, everyone!


25 thoughts on “Fall In Love with: Me Before You by Jo-Jo Moyes

  1. Donna says:

    Nope, did not cry 🙂 I did not really enjoy the story, even though I can’t pinpoint any flaws. I just could not connect to the characters. I am pretty sure the hype killed it for me!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Poppy says:

      Aw, didn’t you? I suppose if you didn’t bond with the characters, you wouldn’t feel that sad about the end. It’s a shame you didn’t enjoy it. 🙂


    • Poppy says:

      Thanks Igne! I’m looking forward to seeing the film – just out of interest sakes to see how they interpret the book. 🙂 I hope you enjoy it, if you see it.


  2. heidibookshelf says:

    I read this recently and really loved it! I already knew the ending going in, and nearly managed to stop myself from crying. Until I read the epilogue, which broke me!

    I’m not currently planning to pick up the sequel, this felt like such a great stand alone. But if you read it and enjoy it do let me know

    Liked by 1 person

  3. DarlingLauren says:

    I loved this book as well. I didn’t actually cry, though I was very close to crying. I was in the car with my family at the time, so that’s probably why, if I had been by myself I would have cried like a baby.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Poppy says:

      Aw, I know, I’d have probably tried to compose myself a little more if I’d had company, but luckily I was alone. Such a sad ending. 😦 Glad you liked the book, as well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Grab the Lapels says:

    I saw the preview for the movie, and it felt icky to me. I have to say that I am not convinced that the protagonist would fall in love with the man if he wasn’t smokin’ hot Sam Claflin and not, say, Stephen Hawking, who is also notoriously funny and sarcastic and confined to a wheelchair when he was in his early 30s.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Poppy says:

      Yeah, I do see what you mean, but it’s clear in the book that Louisa, the carer, falls in love with Will (the disabled man) purely because of his personality. But I definitely see your point. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Grab the Lapels says:

        I think I would like the book more for that reason! We can fill in our own faces. One of the reasons I never see the film of a book I love is because the actors’ faces will haunt me forever. I think the one exception I made was Transpotting by Irvine Welsh.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Poppy says:

        I can relate to that a lot – I definitely think it is better at least, to read the book before watching the film. 🙂 I would definitely recommend reading this book – it’s wonderful!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. brmaycock says:

    I JUST got hold of the paperbacks of this and ‘After You’ as well, after saying I’d read it forever, but funnily enough had never read a full review of it for fear of a spoiler! Great review and can’t wait to read:)

    Liked by 1 person

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